04 septembre, 2007

Oh, France and its ways

I found out earlier today that I didn't get into school. But wait, I didn't NOT get into school either. Actually, they are having me come in on Friday to test my French and English skillz as they want to make sure I am competent in both languages...gotta say I'm not so sure about English!!(I've been using awkward sentence structures and saying things like "you dream" and "he's a profiter".) If anything, this just makes things MORE annoying because I was looking forward to being done with all this waiting business and know for sure what is going to go on with my life. I mean, not like I'm not happy that they're not ruling me out all together, but who knows what else they'll want after the interview. Plus, school is supposed to START on Friday which just means more complications for me figuring things out for class and in terms of my CDS since I will have to wait longer if I were to ever get in. Am I surprised, you ask? Not at all(you can save that face for the Wet Bandits, Macauley!) If it wasn't going to be a no, I knew there had to be something else. So, that is my news for now and I will update again on Friday to most likely say they will next be requiring a unicycle performance for admission.

On an unrelated note, I am having a great time in the states and my friend's wedding was so much fun, it was great to see all my Uni friends, she looked beautiful and her (now) husband is so sweet. I'll go into more detail and post some pics if I can remember. Today will be my only full day at home and I will be going out to dinner(yummy Chinese) with the fam and meeting up with a friend later then I'm off again tomorrow! Ciao for now, keep those doigts croisé-d for me!!

3 commentaires:

nicole a dit…

mes doigts sont croises! i just replied to your comment on my blog, but honestly i haven't figured out where i'm supposed to reply...yours, mine...oh well i'll do both!

i am lindsay's friend nicole! i am sorry to hear it's more of a waiting game. i am hoping that things work out. i am looking forward to meeting you and taking you out for a drink.

Ksam a dit…

oh man. how typical!

just in case, i'd start practicing my juggling too, LOL!!

J a dit…

Um, I'm not sure how to respond. Congratulations or Sorry? LOL France is so ridiculous...

Anywho, hope you continue to enjoy your time back home!