23 juillet, 2007

Week-end away

Le Mont-St-Michel seen from Cancale beach
Oh my, it was SO GOOD to get away this weekend for a bit. I along with 5 other friends went to Dinard, Saint Malo and Cancale just to switch things up. My roomate's rents live in Cancale and are away on vaca, so she thought it would be fun to host whoever of our friends was available and interested. We left Sat morning around 11 and headed to the market in Dinard. It's a decent-sized market that has everything from produce to tacky jewelry. After strolling around there and picking up some fresh fruit to make a yummy fruit salad, we went to a nearby grocery store to get what we needed for a BBQ. We then headed back to my roomie's house so we could start to make lunch because we all had tres faim. My friend's boyf was in charge of the BBQ(thank goodness) and got the kebabs, chicken and sausage going(whilst wearing an apron...how cute.) The rest of us put together a salad, melon, sliced fresh bread, potatoes and a fruit salad for the rest of the meal. I was in charge of the melon and when I started to slice it up, I quickly was reminded of how the frenchies cut it just in half and then eat it with a spoon which I had totally forgotten about. Less work for me, but more for the eaters(is that a word?) Everything was finally ready at about 3:30...yeah, we were a bit decale-d! It was all delish...especially the melon(as if I had control over the taste, but a girl can pretend!)
BBQ at the roomie's house
Apero Margaritas...ay, ay!
After we finished eating around 4:30 or so, we decided we would head to Saint Malo and pray that the on-and-off rainy weather that had been lingering all day would magically stop. Well, it didn't, but we did still manage to have a fun time just strolling around town, watching the portrait artists, looking in shops, prend-ing some hot chocolate and gout-ing the beignets(my first french beignet...yumm-0!) At around 8, we headed back to Cancale to have an apero of nibbles and Margaritas. We then bid adieu to those of our friends heading back to Rennes and the 3 of us remaining got ready for the night ahead. We went back to St. Malo again to mange and sortir, but we didn't get there til about 11:30 and so we ended up eating sandwiches and kebabs as no other places were open. All in all, it was a fun night filled with really wasted Brits, a massacre of snails along the road(eww) and a bar de nuit that was approximately 5,000 degrees. Sunday, we didn't get up until late and after having our breakfast/more like lunch of croissants, pains aux chocolat and OJ, we headed right for the beach. We did manage to get a tiny bit of sun in, but I did still hang out under the parasol to protect my Casper-like skin. Hehe. Fun times had this weekend and now I'm back to the attente!
Roomie wrapped up car il faisait trop...chaud?
Tiny chapel literally across from roomie's house

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