What have I been up to this past week? Umm, pas grand-chose really. I always feel like I want to update only when I have big news or manage to squeeze something slightly humorous out of my you-know-where. But, I guess I could go ahead and fill you in anyways even if it means you might fall asleep whilst reading. Tant pis! Well, first this week has been a whole messa stuff all over the appart because Roomie#1 is leaving next weekend. There have been boxes, bags and bordel, basically. The majority of the stuff in the apartment is hers, including the frigo, machine a laver, the kitchen table, the dining room table and 4 chairs. Oh, did I also forget to mention all the pots&pans, silverware, utensils, tupperware and the broom, mop and vacuum? Yep, all that too. I luckily managed to snag a free couch and 4 free chairs to replace what she'll be taking with her, but the other stuff, ben ca va etre chaud. Basically, Roomie#2 is gonna buy a fridge that he'll take with him when he eventually moves out and for the other stuff we were hoping to find a new roomie(no news there either, le casting nouveau coloc is on hold until I get back) who has meubles and stuff for the kitchen. If not, I guess it'll mean a few trips to the Trocante to buy some new old stuff and Carrefour to get some cheap kitchen stuff. It's kind of nice I'm leaving this Tuesday for vaca so I don't have to stress over this stuff and R#2 can demmerde considering I've already bought a good bit of (cheap) stuff to cover our a$$es in the kitchen as well as managed to snag the free couch and chairs.
Like I mentioned, I'm leaving next Tuesday evening and heading to Marseille, Avignon, Nimes and Bordeaux and I'll be back in Rennes on Wednesday aka don't be surprised if I don't post again for a while. I'm super excited to get away as this will be my first real vaca since last April. Plus, all the places I'm going I've never been before and I'll be having a blast with all the fun people I'm getting to hang with. It will also take my mind away from the fact that I, unfortunately, didn't get the job that I interviewed for this past Thursday. There were a ton of candidates and I think they probably chose someone with more experience than I had, possibly someone a bit older as well. I should find out next week what position in the list I am, but I almost don't want to be second because that'd be one of those "close but no cigar" kinda things. We have strange expressions in English, don't we? Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy my little photo sesh with Sienna dearest and the vid of her caught red-pawed. She's too cute sometimes. Enjoy!