01 octobre, 2008

A Tarte de MesJours Haiku

Good surprise arrives
Wait of four hours, babies cry
Leave with blue in hand

Did you really think I could write just three lines? Of course not! So, I am happy to announce success is mine, mes amis! I was waiting for something in the mail which I luckily got this afternoon(after going back to give them a prioritaire SASE to replace the economique one I had given without thinking) and I rushed off to the dreaded Trefecture throwing all my official docs in my bag and leaving my wet laundry I had just taken out of the washer behind. On a whim, I grabbed the yearbook portraits I (for some reason unbeknownst to me) got from New School when I took my picture for my teacher card just in case my mugg shot-like photomaton pics didn't cut it. I got to the Tref at about 11:45 and my stomach did somersaults and had butterflies because I wasn't called until 16h(when it closes.) I luckily landed on the same lady who gave me my changement de statut carte last year who actually is capable of smiling and I showed her the list her coworker had given me 2 weeks prior of everything I needed and she seemed to think I had everything. She did take a second look at my mugg shot pics and said she didn't know if they would be ok for my actual carte because the top of my head was a tiny bit cut off. I handed over my yearbook pics and she said those would definitely be ok. Phew! I even made a joke about how I was better off with the yearbook ones anyways because the other ones were pas non plus tres jolies. She actually laughed and joked back which makes me think she might be human and not, in fact, a robot like the rest of them. I think the nice people at the Tref are starting to outnumber the meanies which makes me happy. Adios, droids! So, all that to say I have a brandy-new recepisse in my mains and all is bon for now!

10 commentaires:

Ksam a dit…

Woooo!! I'm so happy for you - I've been croising my doigts that everything would work out!!

Pardon My French a dit…

Yay! Good to hear. I'd love to see my trolls take on your droids...

BlondeInFrance a dit…

Oh hurray!! You poem did a good job summing up though, very creative!

Anonyme a dit…

AWESOME! I'm so happy for you!!!

Leah a dit…

ksam-Thanks! Remember the time I called you in a panic and probably made no sense? Yeesh. And maybe don't uncross those doigts just yet, I still have my actual carte to get as well as a changement de statut!

PMF-Merci! Hmm, trolls vs. droids, now that WOULD be interesting!!

A-Haha, thanks. I haven't written a Haiku since maybe 4th grade, so I thought it was high time to bring them back into style. 2009 will be the year of the Haiku! (NB: I am very much not serious)

J-Me too!! Mercy buckets!

Oneika a dit…

that's great!!!!


Leah a dit…


au soleil levant a dit…

Huge congratulations to you! You should buy a present for the woman at the Tref.

Crystal a dit…

send that Tréffie a box of chocolats or something...she seems like one in a million! Congrats on the récép :)

Leah a dit…

M&C-Thank youuuuu! I wonder where in France I could get a Numero 1 Trefecture Worker trophy? Or perhaps a gold medal?