19 août, 2008

Two years

2 years, baby! Seems like just yesterday that I decided to put a blog out there to share my whining and complaining, I mean, story with you. There have definitely been some high highs and some low lows, but I'm happy to say I got through it all ok in the end. I head back to the France this Thursday which is both happy and sad. I'm happy to get back, but it's always sad to leave my family behind. Although, I won't be 100% sure that I'm staying until I get that recepisse in my mains. I will keep you updated, of course. And, if I do stay, expect even more randomness and shenanigans to come. Happy Bloggiversary to me!!

5 commentaires:

Princesse Ecossaise a dit…

Woooo! Happy blogiversary to you lady! Here's to another two years of blogging and keeping us all entertained!

MilkJam a dit…

made me wonder when mine is! its sunday i'll have to make a really special blog post :-)

Emily a dit…

Happy Blogiversary to you!

au soleil levant a dit…

Happy Blogiversary! Safe travels back to France. My doigts are super croised for your continuing effort to stay in France.

Leah a dit…

Thanks, girls!! :)