Yeah, so I missed Chandeleur on Saturday and then I missed Pancake Tuesday, so I decided I'd make my own little hoLEAHday(get it??) called Pancake Thursday. Yeee-uh! Ok, in reality, I just wanted pancakes and all the shenanigans with Chandeleur and PT just reminded me of it. I had pancakes TWICE(since I made a whole batch) in the same day, but it was worth it! I poured on the yummy (fake) maple syrup that's been casually chilling in my cupboard for eons now and ate those puppies up! Miam freakin miam.
In other news, WW4(WW3 happened a bit back, but I just didn't post about it) has officially come to an end. R#1 came to her senses and said she understood where I was coming from and that she will make an effort to not do the horizontal tango so loudly(ok, so that miiiiiight be a rough translation, but still) and she actually moved her bed so it's not right against my wall. You can insert a big ol' sigh of relief here. Though I complain about all the things I find annoying that the roomdawgs do, I can deal with most of them(as long as I can secretly complain here), but that was just not acceptable. Regardless of our newly signed treaty of Effing, I am glad to have a break from the roomies this weekend. It's always nice to have the apartment to yourself where you can sing loudly and dance around by yourself in your room, I mean, relax in the silence. Plans for this weekend include a football match at the Stade Rennais and a possible American Party take 3. Besides that, I am on the search for the veste/manteau of my reves that I am convinced is out there somewhere waiting to be bought at say...1 euro? Ok, not thaaaaat cheap, but a reasonable price. If not, I gots my oeil on a cute light spring jacket at H&M that's not too cher. Eh oui, things are looking up!
3 commentaires:
Hope you enjoyed your weekend sans co-locataires !
Oh! I didn't realize when I read the previous post that all the noise was coming from one of your roommates... How in the world did you bring it up with her? DANG that would be an uncomfortable conversation...
Jennie-Thanks, I really REALLY did!
JS-umm, YEAH, it was def R#1 whose room is right next to mine. I had mentioned the thinness of the wall discretely before several times, but I just had to confront her straight out this last time. Awkwardness times infinity, but the battle is over for now, thank goodness!
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