05 décembre, 2007

Merry Christmas to me!

I am now the proud owner of a shiny, new carte de sejour. Go me! Magic happened and I got my convocation yesterday in the mail, so I rushed my fesses on over to the evil Prefecture(yes, it is still evil even though it came through for me) and waited in line(because they changed the system and now you have to wait on Tues 14h-16h and Wed 9h-12h and 14h-16h if you're picking up your card) and got my beeeeautiful new carte. And, by beautiful, let me just say the picture is ridiculous amounts of HEINOUS because I look like a very hot(not in the attractive kind of way) deer in the headlights as I had just run to the nearest shop(not very near) to get change and then run back to take pictures because I had forgotten the fact that I had already given one away and so I only had 3. Then, in the photomaton, I managed to close my eyes for the first two takes of a maximum three, so to ensure that my eyes were open, I stared bug-eyed until the flash went off. Result= not so pretty. But, all that aside, I gots me my carte de sejour!!! I'm too excited, yay!

PS-Speaking of exciting things, go ahead and check out Episode 100 from the Katia and Kyliemac Podcast!

6 commentaires:

Astrid a dit…

congratulations!! great news :)

ashtanga en cevennes a dit…

OH, what a relief!!!!!!!

Big fat congratulations!

A Tank a dit…

hooray! my photo's not great either... oh well. at least we've got them!
also, i heart the podcast :)

we need to hang out soon! i invited sam to come this weekend but not sure if she is or not, i'll let you know, in any case, i'm around saturday and sunday. yep yep.

Emily a dit…

thats great news...have a lovely christmas x

Leah a dit…

Thanks, everyone!!! I feel like a million bucks, or should I say, euros?

Emily a dit…

Hooray! Congrats. :P