26 novembre, 2007

What's in a name?

Thanksgiving yumminess

Back to the title of my post. I started teaching English to 4 classes of little 5 and 6 year olds at the beginning of November. Boy, is it draining! You can really see the difference between the two levels of schooling in the fact that CP is where they first start sitting at desks and start to get better at staying seated. Those little 5 year olds are constantly wanting to move, bite/push/hit their neighbor, cry about something and I find myself enjoying teaching the 1st graders a lot more than those kindergarteners. I do, however, miss the fact that the CPs can't read yet because it limits a lot of what I can do with them and I can't use a lot of material I already have prepared from last year.

Why don't I limit what ages I like to teach even further? Ok, I will. So, I taught 3rd-5th grade as an assistant. I found the 3rd graders too babyish sometimes as well as too exciteable and some of them were lucky they were cute. No, I'm not kidding. The 5th graders could be little punks and thought they were too cool for school. So, my favorite? 4th grade! Haha. No, but I seriously think I could handle 1st-5th grade kids. A lot of it also comes from experience, I'm sure. But, thank goodness I only have those 5 yr olds once a week for a half an hour per class because I would seriously go folle otherwise.

I digress as usual. Back to the point of my post. When I started learning the kids names, which could still take me a good bit as I only see them once a week and there are 100 of them, I noticed a large amount of them had pretty old-sounding names. Like, I'm talking mamie and papi old. It is a private school in a nice area of the city and apparently in those parts it's all the rage to be naming your kids the equivalent of: Pearl, Bea, Maude, Ignaceous and Ulysses. There are also some other "interesting" names that aren't necessarily old-sounding, but just "different." So, I have compiled a list for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

Here are some of the more interesting names (and by interesting I mean some of them are from circa prehistoric times) of the kids I teach at the primary school:


Here are some more names followed by my personal translation I think to myself every time I call on them and what I fear I will one day say out loud:

Quitterie=Quincaillerie=Hardware Store
Callista=Clarissa...explains it all

...and my personal favorite: Anatole!!!

Because why wouldn't you name your child after a well-known 19th century writer?

5 commentaires:

Astrid a dit…

That table looks delicious!!

And for the names, some of them I've never heard of. Marthe however, is very common in Norway :)

And yes, the sticker you should be getting it at the mairie, if not it works writing it youself too and then glue/scotch on it on the mailbox. I've often seen this written: Pas de pub S.V.P.

ashtanga en cevennes a dit…

I always think of the name Ludivine when I'm conjuring up the image of a famille bien bourgeoise...

Lauren a dit…

hi! i am reading and loving your blog. did you participate in the french gov't assistantship program? or did you find your way back to rennes another way? i spent my year abroad in lyon, fell in love with it, and am trying to find my way back...

Leah a dit…


JS-I'm 99.9% sure you're not wrong in this case about that either!

Lauren-I was an assistant for two years and then this year I came as a student. This is my 4th time living in Rennes(and France.) I would definitely recommend being an assistant if you want to come back and don't mind teaching. Good luck!

Emily a dit…

mmm fooooood