02 octobre, 2007

Sealed with a bisou

Yeah, so I've got a problem. My roomate that I've had since September is a biseur. That's right folks, your lovely Leah is getting bised up a storm. He does the bises when saying hello, goodbye, 2nd hellos, 2nd goodbyes, etc, and the worst of them all(dum, dum, dummmmm!)...the good night bises. You might ask, what's wrong with this? Well, dear reader, by constantly giving the bises when I'm about to hit the hay, I feel like I can never fully relax in my own room. He ALWAYS goes to bed before I do and so either the light in my room is on or my door is ajar. To him, this means, come on in and bise me up, Scotty! There are just some times that you want to be in your room and tranquille. Espec since he seems to be super observant and into what you're up to at the time. I dunno. I realize it comes from him being a fine, upstanding gentleman, but it's starting to P me off. Anybody catch my drift or am I just as bonkers as you originally thought?

Not Bizy McBizerson

5 commentaires:

Ksam a dit…

OMG, that would drive me insane - I am anti-bise already as it is, so having to bise someone 20 times a day would really push me over the top.

Do you think maybe he has a crush on you? I mean, come on, good night bises?? That's just a bit much....

ashtanga en cevennes a dit…

Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

Leah a dit…

Whaaa? No way, Jose. I could see where you guys would get that idea, but he does it to our other roomate too. Plus, we think he has a crush on his ex-gf anyways. But, yeah I'm toooootally bised out.

ashtanga en cevennes a dit…

Umm, all that doesn't mean that he isn't trying to get some extra bise action when and where he can...

Crystal a dit…

ewww I hate the bises...I think that's why I always seem to be sick...too much bis-ing in my personal bubble. No easy way around this one though unless you try to make an anti-joke so he gets the idea :p
