This is about my ca-razy experiences in Rennes, France as an English teacher and American!
30 mars, 2008
A little Vaklempt
One thing is the eternal question mark about what I'm doing next year and where I'll be, that at this point, has come to a standstill and all I can do is wait. I'm crossing my fingers to hear soon, but hearing soon just means being called in for an interview, the position is not necessarily going to be mine. I should hear within the next two weeks and obviously once I have some answers, I will fill you all in on what I'm even talking about. But, I don't want to jinx it by talking about it here especially when I could potentially not even get an interview in the first place. On verra.
Then, Roomie#1 has decided since she's moving out in 20 days: 6 hours: 30 minutes: 15 seconds(ok, so that's just an approximation, can you tell I can't wait?), she doesn't really give an F about keeping the apt orderly, being disrespectful by bringing her FB over, not doing housework, smoking in the salon and just many other unpleasantries. It's driving me up the wall, but since she's leaving soon, I don't want to be picking a fight with her all the time because I want things to end on a good note. So for now, I'll just continue to range every morning when I get up, throw her stuff in her room, leave the window wide open to air out the salon, etc so I can still get my message across albeit passive-aggressively.
The last big thing was finding out that it's 99.9% sure my best friend from home won't be coming. It looks like a big opportunity has come up at work that would last for 4 months and just happens to start the week she was going to come over. So, it looks like I've gotta plan out an alternative vacation or else I'll be bored for 10 days straight. Any ideas? I'm thinking of tagging along with a friend to Marseille and Bordeaux, but I'll need to find 1 or 2 cities in between the two because she's going to Toulouse to visit her host bro and I don't want to impose myself. So, I'm thinking of Avignon, Nimes or Montpellier, but I'll let you know once I buy the tickets for the other places and then I'll have to get recommendations from all of you southerners!
Et voila, now you know what's been getting my goat!
28 mars, 2008
26 mars, 2008
Made me smile
Yay for Easter baskets, yay for Nouvelle Star tonight and yay for hopefully finding a new roomie soon! PS-I will def fill you in soon on our casting of Nouveau Coloc 2008 and such candidats as Coloc d'amour, Baba cool, l'ours and Justin Timberlake. Just need to get myself motivated to write. In the meantime, I'll just let you drool over my Easter goodies. Ciao!
23 mars, 2008
Happy Paques/ Joyeuses Easter!
21 mars, 2008
Me from A to Z
17 mars, 2008
Luck of the Irish
15 mars, 2008
Sneak preview!
So, here's a lil sneak peek of my new room(as of April 20th!!!) that I decided to share with you all. Please note that I do not think myself a cinematographic genius by any means. I do realize I turned the camera vertical even AFTER I had just mocked myself for having done that same thing in a previous video. What can I say? I'm a little bit conne. Oh well. Enjoy, peepz!
12 mars, 2008
Friends en francais!
I found this a while back when I looked for the funny vid of Phoebe teaching Joey how to speak French. I just find it interesting how much French has been integrated into everyday English. I was talking about this one night last week over dinner with 2 other anglos and 1 franco and we were just rattling off a list of words/expressions like nobody's business. Chauffeur, bouquet, voila, c'est la vie, tete-a-tete, laisser faire, blase, derriere, hors d'oeuvre, a la mode, chic, BCBG, maitre'd, genre, clique...those are some I can think of off the top of my head. It's pretty amazing, really.
11 mars, 2008
I wizzay therefore it is, kinda th'n yo
I have somehow developed this crazy idea thizzat if I will sippin' in France enough, it'll jizzle happen. I mean, I am of course pound'n tha pavemizzles maybe not so miznuch messin' as lightly ballin' ta look fo` a job. It's just tizzle I really have no indication tizzle I'm stay'n nor do I feel all that hopeful `bout ballin' a job(it is me n mah luck, afterall!), but I jizzy wizzle it ta be so much tizzy I have turned it into some S-to-tha-izzort of false reality. I wizzay therefore it is, kinda th'n yo. It hasn't bizzle pimpin' ta stay nor has it been know'n I'll stay eitha. I'm try'n ta figure out whiznen it all started n where it came frizzay . Bounce wit me. Maybe playa being S-to-tha-izzick fo` so long n so often, I fizzy I needed ta treat me n tizzy it jizzay turned into a volcanic eruption of mass ridin'? Not sure but real homies don't give a f****. Was it afta read'n Eat, Pray, Love n start'n ta believe in tha possibility of life n love again? Again, couldn't tizzay you and cant no hood f*** with death rizzow. All I know is I believe . Drop it like its hot.
PS-Check out!...yo